
Showing posts from May, 2010

Mathilde Willink

She became the wife and ex wife of a famous Dutch painter Carel Willink. She also damaged some of his paintings. A lady with long blond hair and a strong character. Most people found her weird. I admire her. In an interview she once said: I don't care about flowers (so she threw them away) , I don't like all those little things and stuff. I don't waste money on that. If she wanted something she did go for it completely. Even if she had no money to eat well. I still wonder how many people have such a strong will to do that. She wore dresses a normal person would not buy or could hardly wear (or should I say carry?) . She didn't care about what the trend was or not. She was from head till toe fascinating... an unique painting! I always wanted my ears like hers but it never came that far. It's hard to say if she was happy. Personally I believe she cried many times. Life was hard on her so were people. It's a good thing to know she had at least some friends. October

If you can't beat them join them

This makes you think... since it's not always easy to beat someone, or some group. If you are not able to do that, you can join them. But... there is a difference between joining them by heart or just joining them to destroy them. In the last case you are infiltrating. Infiltrating is not only something the government or police is doing. A way of destroying or catching the enemy is to use their "own" people. It's nothing new. It happened during all kind of wars. It still happens everywhere around you. Even in commercials. Also the Ku Klux Klan works like that. If you think all (active) members are white, you are so wrong! The best way to succeed is to use an insider. The KKK uses black people to destroy black people. It's not hard to find a black sheep. Someone who never seems to succeed. To pick out the one who been kicked most, but still tries to fight back. You just need to observe and find the weak spot! He will be your killing machine. The best thing is.. yo

No need to eat

Granny is not eating every day of the week. She is already doing that the biggest part of her live. My brother can't do that. So thanks to granny he became that great, but also fast cooking, cook. It fascinates me that she is not eating everyday. It must be great if you can do that. You save yourself not only extra calories but also the stress of shopping plus you save time. Once I saw a interview with a guy who never ate. That was very fascinating too. You wonder why people have hunger strikes if you can do without food for such a long time. This guy was very slim but not really puny. Also he was very active. Only once a year he was eating. Then he bought biscuit rusk and marmalade. Both of a A-brand. I was surprised by the modern way he furnished his house and the gigantic, expensive t.v. and stereo set. He loved to turn on the music loud and dance. The guy was about 60 years (they did not tell how often he needed to go to the toilet but I am sure he didn't need that much toi

Clean underpants

Granny always wanted me to wear clean underpants. What if you get an accident and they take you to the hospital, she asked me. As I was small it somehow did make sense. Later I thought it was nonsense. If I really get something bad out on the street, I will probably be covered with blood or have a heart attack. I don't think anyone will have a clear look at the state of my underpants at that critical moment. Talking about underpants. Those I had to wear at night were the worst. These were the kinds I was not allowed to wear at daytime. But still too good to throw away! They weren't looking that great and much too wide also. The elastic was partly broken or not resilient anymore. I can tell you these were very dangerous underpants! Even in bed you were able to strangle yourself in it (well your legs) . For example if you just wanted to turn on your other side or tried to get out of bed. I really hated them. Today I had to go to the hospital to see a doctor. I remembered granny&#


Once I found a great pussy-cat. I found it by accident. I don't like shopping so I left the others and walked around in the small streets behind the old shopping center. As I looked in an oil barrel, used as a garbage can, I saw a reddish, skinny pussy-cat. It looked so great in between the trash. I took my camera and made a picture of it. Just at the moment it looked up at me and opened it's mouth to warn me. Although I made this picture with a very cheap camera it was one of the best I ever made. I wouldn't be Kitty if I wouldn't have a pussy-cat again. He adopted me as his mom. It's a nice cat although he has some weird behavior. Somehow I think his brains are damaged. His mood swings are interesting but also concerning. I should grab him in his neck and drag him into the nest. It would be the most save thing to do. But the kitten has grown up, so it's not my decision anymore. Today he told me it's the end, since he can't change himself and knows I wi

Peppie het poesje

In 1963 Willy Schermele his books about Peppie het poesje ( Peppie the pussy-cat) been published in Dutch. Although Peppie is a cat he lives the same live like human beings. Just like it is the case in all fables. I loved to read those books and watch the (black and white) pictures also made by Willy Schermele. My memory of Peppie's mother is one of a great cook. If she was cooking or baking you started to drool and you could really smell it. Willy Schermele had a great way of telling about the daily adventures of Peppie. He knew how to paint clear pictures and not only catch but also keep your attention. In 1972 the books been published again. Also new adventures came. Prikkeltje (Prick) the hedgehog came into Peppie his life. Peppie found him at the end of the winter in his dad's boot. He had his winter rest in there. Although this hedgehog had a mother he wanted to stay with Peppie, mostly because of the great food Peppie's mom gave him. Prikkeltje ate more as a whole

A glimp of Gimp

I have a terrible toothache. Already visited the dentist but he said my teeth are great (might be there is something wrong with his eyes) . My brother thinks this is a fine moment to teach me how to use Gimp. He is already working with that photoshop program and it's great. Well... according to him it is. After practicing on my pics (how come my face looks like an ugly jelly pudding at one of them?) he helped out all his friends. Even his so-called-best-friend, the guy with the flower name. Although we both already find his pictures funny enough and laughed about it for days. So now it's my turn to learn it. I tell my brother it's a waste of time to show me, since it's just not my thing. But he says it's good for me to do something. I will feel less pain and I can't sleep anyway. So Gimp it is. First I have to install the program. Just once is not enough since I have one with a strange language. After that he gives me the same picture as he has to work with. I

Pirosmalac - a Hungarian folk tale

We have had enough fun together for today, my brothers says, you can go to your work. I will sleep for a while. So... no story teller for me tonight when I come back home. But... internet is a great solution if it comes to that. Although it is a pity I can't hear it in my bed. Pirosmalac (red piglet) A folk tale that also has some things in common with other fairy tales we know. A woman wants a child so badly... she is praying for it.. and yes she gets pregnant (in the end) and no it's not a child but a pig. Since it is her child she loves it (The ugly duckling, Thumbelina, etc... only Snowwhite her mom got what she wanted but therefore she had to die) but she is also sad and worried about her child. Like all children this one likes to join the other kids (it's a wonder the piglet is still happy). So what else can a mother do as just letting her go and hope for the best? The boy next door is sent by his mother to join the kids... He does keep an eye on her and discovers

#The-Feather-King or #Puss-in-boots?

As you can read in the next story it isn't that bad to be a Kitty. And... it is a smart thing to do what Kitty tells you to! The feather King Once there was a couple working on the land. They had their baby with them. It was laying in a swing made of some diapers. Suddenly a cat appeared and stole the baby. The cat was taking good care of the child. She brought it herbs, carrots and strawberries. The child was a boy. As he grew up the cat said: you have to marry the King's daughter. How can I, the young man said, I am naked! The cat blew a whistle, birds showed up from all around and she took from each one a feather. Out of the feathers she made a suit and gave it to him. She took him to the animals and said: these animals will follow you when you visit the King. Tell the king they are a presents given by the Feather King. So did the young man. The King was surprised and thought: what a rich King must that be. Next day the cat told him to visit, with anima

The house of boredom

Except for stories I also love to watch films, just like my brother. We kill a lot of time with it. Most of the time my brother is telling me what film we will watch together next. This time it's different. Since he still has so many films to watch he says I should watch some by my self starting with: The house of the devil . Samantha is a student. Since she needs 400 dollar to pay the rent for her new home, she is responding on an ad: Babysitter needed . Her best friend takes her over to the address and will pick her up later. There isn't really a babysitter wanted but a "sitter" for the old mom, who is upstairs in her room. Samantha is not allowed to go over there or meet her, since mom likes to be on her own. (You wonder why there is a sitter needed at all) . Samantha decides to stay since she will be payed very well for just hanging around in the living for an evening (she can pay her rent from it a normal thinking person would start thinking!) . Samanth

One eye, two eyes and three eyes

The more tales you read the more similarity you will find. I read a lot of tales and still am. It's a pity that also the fairy tales change. They are told much shorter, with less details nowadays. The German brothers Grimm wrote down over 200 fairy tales. One of them is: One eye, two eye and three eye. I liked it as I was about 7-8 years old. Mostly because I was fascinated because of the eyes. Imagine you have only 1 eye in the centre of your face or 3 eyes... all people stare at you.. and the only place you are save is at home! The meaning of this story (is there a lesson to learn?) is unclear to me. Who knows you can open my eyes. One-eye, two-eyes, and three-eyes T here was once a woman who had three daughters, the eldest of whom was called One-eye, because she had only one eye in the middle of her forehead, and the second, Two-eyes, because she had two eyes like other folks, and the youngest, Three-eyes, because she had three eyes; and her t

New Friends

Since it's the New Year my brother says we have to make new friends. He decides to look for them on the internet... only good looking girls of course since he is good looking. In no time he has added a lot of dream girls. Each time he shows me a picture and asks: How about her? They all look the same to me. Are you sure this is a different girl, I ask. He says it is. But they still all look the same to me, they are all blond. Why are all your friends blond, I want to know. What do you mean, he says, this girl is not blond neither are you, you are my friend too. I want to know if he too thinks dark haired girls are bitches and that is why he doesn't want them as a friend. He says it's not, but continues looking for the "blond chicks". He has less time for me, since he is also making a lot of nice pictures out of the bad quality pictures these girls have. I don't have that much friends and am not really in the mood for new ones. Why should I? It wil

Weird friends

You always have such a weird friends, my brother says to me. Are you collecting them or what? I really don't understand why you invest so much time and energy reading all those lies and even answering them. You know they are all fake! We both join the same internet site. The people over there interest me. Especially if they are not fitting into the cattle. I always wonder why they think I want to be their friend. Each time again it's amazing how many try to cheat on me and lie to me. I can't count the times anymore that someone tried to get a lot of money from me. When I refuse they scold at me. Why? Because I am a very selfish person, have no heart and of course I should change my attitude otherwise nobody will like me. I share those letters with my brother. He doesn't understand why I keep answering them. I think it's a kick of me, a kind of game. I know they lie and I keep playing stupid till they admit. (Actually I do what my brother once told me.. play

Little red riding hood

It was a rainy holiday so we decided to play: Little red riding hood. Since I was sick I was granny. Once upon a time there was a little girl taking a basket with food to her sick granny living in the forest. Can you see her? That little girl carrying a heavy basket? (baskets are even heavy when they are empty) The basket is filled with cookies and wine and who knows what more. While dragging the basket with her she saw some nice flowers. She really wanted to pick them but that was not allowed. Why? Because her mother (who was not in the mood to walk whole the way to granny's house by herself) told her to stay on the path. So she did for a while. Since she was really little and tired she decided to rest for a while under a tree. As she just sat down a beautiful black dog showed up. Hi doggy, she said, how are you doing? I am fine, said the dog who actually was a wolf, although I do feel a bit hungry. Well, the girl said, you can have a chocolate cookie, granny is s


My first memory of me with a book is as I was 3 years old. A strange lady entered the room asked me what I was doing. It was a stupid question since I was sitting on a chair reading a book! So I told her with a straight face: I am reading. she told me I was not, since I hold the book up side down! Might be she is not able to read that way but I was and I still am. My favorite uncle was like me. He did not like to sit up, shake hands, hug or kiss. He didn't talk much and staying with him was great. We were not bothering each other or keeping up appearances. We both were not very socialized. I loved to read his comics about the pirate Redbeard (Barbe Rouge, first publication October 1959) . Especially if I could read them hide partly in his closet. So that was what I did most of the time. Reading and hiding. Redbeard is a pirate of French origin. After a troublesome youth he went roaming the seven seas for gold and fortune on his ship, the Black Falcon. He has gathered a great fortu


I don't think I like Americans. If I think about them I think about a lot of noise, screaming, shouting, fights and I get stressed. I like to have my peace. I can't stand loud noises. I also can't stand all the cursing and scolding. I don't understand their behavior and I don't understand why they always need to pray or ask god for help. Because I don't like them I have an American pen pal. I hope he can tell me about the American way of living and change my opinion. I am not proud about my prejudice and I am willing to change. I have so many questions. How come most Americans are believers, praying but every 3rd word is "fuck you" and every 5th word is a curse. I can't count the times they say: your mother is a hooker or fuck your mother, etc. Not only American movies but also: Jerry Springer, Oprah Winfrey and Dr Phil are great examples of the behavior of the American nation. A behavior without any self esteem, shame or respect for others. I don&


I have a big pair of scales. There is a large pointer on it that should tell me exactly how much overweight I have each day. Since I want to be sure it's also electric. Which means the scales can tell me my weight in grams exactly! My scales has his own life. In the middle of the night it starts weighting something. But if I step on it I have to wait a long time till something shows up. To be sure, I step on it 4-6 times each morning. It seems to be necessary since I always weight less the more often I step on it. After that I save my weight of the day so I can check how much gram I ... now with the day before. As I ordered something on the internet I received an other scales for free. This one is even greater... well they say it is. No big pointer or large numbers on it (which I can't see if I stand on it without having my glasses on, so I have to kneel down each time to read what it says) but a small display on a wire. I can keep it in my hand when I step on the scales. This

He's a Jerk!

You can't be Mrs Jerky Kitty, my brother says. He is a Jerk! Also it's cold in Lapland, don't you know that? You can't stand the cold. And why does he wants you to travel and move over there and isn't he willing to give up anything? What do you know about him at all. He is only asking you questions but if you ask him something he is never answering. Look at his picture! My brother is pointing at Jerky's picture. Oh come on, I know you have bad eyes but you can't be that blind. He leaves me alone with a pic of an ugly, middle aged guy in a pink shirt, married 3 times before. A very selfish guy, who claims I am the love of his life, but is not willing to leave the place where he already is living for a hundred years, surrounded by all his ex wives and kids. They youngest is a baby and I have no intentions to be a stepmother. But my life would be like a fairy tale. The guy is still not broke, travels a lot with his racing horses, he has a big house and a great

#Scamm letters and more

My brother is not only guarding me but also watching me. According to him I live in the same age as Oliver Twist although I am more interesting. He finds me sweet but wishes I wouldn't be so kind (to others) and believe every story told to me. To his opinion I am very sensitive for soap stories! As soon as I come home telling him what happened to someone his answer is: I don't believe any word of it! It's a lie! According to my brother it's in the human nature to lie and I better should learn to lie very fast too! Otherwise I will be the victim of every idiot, scammer and weirdo in this world. Nobody likes to hear the truth! he answers, when I ask him why parents teach children to be honest but tell never-ending-lies themselves. You have to learn to lie Kitty, if not you will be stoned to death sooner or later! That is fine with me. I have a great brother who is watching me, guarding me and checking out my friends! He tells me how to do it myself, so I wo

I am Kitty

Everybody has a name. My name is Kitty. Jerky gave it to me. I wished him good night and said his name wrong... twice. Are you Kitty, he asked me? My brother found it very funny. So since that moment I am Kitty! Jerky was married 3 times before and I should be the lucky Mrs Jerky the 4th! Are you ready to travel a lot, he asked. Sure, I love traveling! Actually I planned to leave with my brother to the beaches of Australia... after we bought (a piece) of Switzerland and our own lilac Milka cows! My life is perfect, the only thing missing in it is my own private story teller. I love stories.