Charles' adventures - part 2. Who's that guy?

What can I tell you about Charles? He is created, a daddy exactly with anxiety and more. Might be we all recognize something in him, might be he lives in a #dreamworld (or if it comes to him) scary world. A world he doesn't understand.
My writing partner #EnriqueDutch and I decided to write about Charles' life in turn. He started part 1 of Charles' adventures before Easter 2017, I wrote the next part. Simply started where his story did end.
Charles' adventures are originally Dutch and been translated. A part of the stories of this series of 18 were entrees for #writingcontests as well. Each part is a #turbotale.

The search for eggs
"Great yellow colour", Charles thought. The cat glazed at him. Her eyes were yellow.
"You stay", Charles said, "you fit in to Easter."
"You're wearing your underpants inside out", the cat meowed. She looked at the yellow underpants with disgust.
"Time to search for the eggs", Charles said, "after all that's the whole idea of Easter!"

To make it more exciting, he'd hide the eggs about 4 months ago. Excitedly, he started to search for it, wearing in his yellow underpants. Cupboard, stove, underneath the sofa, he turned all the pockets of his coats inside out.
Hard to believe, but NO eggs! He knew he'd hide them very precisely. 

Disappointed, he sank down at his beanbag...
What? What gave his underpants some extra colour? Thanks god it was yellow. Charles forgot something, he forgot to boil the eggs before hiding them.


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